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Q&A med Zealand Pharma, 24 Maj kl 15.00 Læs mere her

VIDEO: "The Little Book that Beats the Market"

79785 Helge Larsen/PI-redaktør 3/12 2019 07:41

"Joel Greenblatt is a managing partner of Gotham Capital, a hedge fund that he founded in 1985 and Gotham Asset Management, a manager of hedge funds and long/short mutual funds. He is the former Chairman of the Board of Alliant Techsystems, a NYSE listed aerospace and defense company.

Since 1996, he has been a professor on the adjunct faculty of Columbia Business School where he teaches Value and Special Situation Investing. He is the author of three books, You Can Be A Stock Market Genius (1997), The Little Book That Beats The Market (2005), and The Big Secret for the Small Investor (2011).

Mr. Greenblatt is a co-founder of Success Academy Charter Schools, a network of 41 charter schools in New York City and the former Chairman of the Board of Overseers of the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania. He holds a BS and an MBA from the Wharton School.

Brief outline of topics covered:
How to think about the Stock Market
Active vs. Passive Investing, which should you choose?
Is the market really efficient? What does that mean?
What is the opportunity for active investors, if any?
What are the opportunities for individual investors?
How should most people invest?
How should you invest"?

This talk was moderated by Saurabh Madaan.

3/12 2019 10:45 TeamGarlic 479789

Jeg har læst om den bog i mange år. Som jeg har forstået folk, som har forsøgt at eftergøre hans metode, så har de ikke kunnet opnå det afkast som han påstår.

3/12 2019 11:14 Kongkurs 279791

TG | 23,2 / +0,7% Med de justeringer til formlen som nævnes i artiklen, er vi ved at være over i "dos of Dow" som der blev postet omkring forleden.

3/12 2019 11:19 Slåen 479793

Fin artikel (på seeking alpha). Min tanke var også at the death of value kunne gøre greenblatts model mindre god.

Seeking alpha forfatteren kommer med justering til greenblatt som han har backtestet successfully for de sidste 10 år.

Men nu står vi der igen: hvem siger at de næste 10 år bliver ligesådan? Måske kommer value tilbage.

3/12 2019 17:07 tommycarstensen 279799

Joel Greenblatt snakker i videoen om 20 aar og det at holde fast i strategien; ogsaa naar den midlertidigt ikke virker. Vi har haft et bull-marked i 10 aar, saa de seneste 10 aar er ikke repraesentative for et normalt aktie-marked; det er ikke en fuld cyklus. Jeg har endnu ikke selv laest bogen, men jeg har den paa min liste :−)